#3 Long Walking

Hello, do you like walking? I neither like nor dislike walking. Maybe, I little like. I don't have drive license, and cannot bicycle well. So I usually walk to where to go. Yesterday morning, I thought I wanted to see the sea. Fortunately, I had only 1st period class that day.So I decided go to ocean. I searched how long time from Niigata Station to the sea by walk. It's about 55minute. Do you feel it's long or short? I could see the "Sado"!!!!!!!!! I like the ocean just looking in not summer seasons. I dislike crowded place, and I cannot swim well. In summer, there are a lot of people in the beach. I like the beach which no-one people in there. I often go to see the ocean. Waves makes me calm heart. What do you do when you have any stress?